Friday, February 12, 2010

Congratulations to our winners and thanks for sharing your stories

Love your stories! Your prizes are on the way!
Grand Prize Winner Debra D. of Evart
Lori B. of Clifford
Dan of Dansville
Julie B. of Jackson
Lisa W. of Roscommon
Polly M. of Lansing
Shari S. of Jackson
Kelly J. of Farwell
Mae of Dewitt
Felicia of Neguanee
Jill S. of Neguanee
Kathy F. of Owosso
Amy S. of Eaton Rapids
Cecil of Clio
Kristen S. of McBain
Marci B. of Fowler
Letticia of Holt
Chad H. of Charlotte
Andrea M. of Burton
Joe R. of Saginaw
Cassandra of Howell
Robin C. of Grand Blanc
Becky W. of Grand Blanc
Michelle N. of Monroe

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Andrea P. of Lansing

Ryan is my rock. When we first met I was lost and he brought me back to the Lord. He made me realize that a life without Jesus is not a life at all. He has a faith that never ends and always lifts me up when I am down. Through everything he is calm and confident; through his deployment in Iraq, changing jobs, going back to school and now the birth of our daughter Rebekah. He is an amazing man of God and the love of my life. I thank God for my husband and the faith that he has.

Angela B. of Okemos

Six years ago, I nearly died while pregnant for our daughter. After losing 30 pounds in my first trimester, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Too weak to even walk, the man God blessed me with , Mike, bathed meand nutured me back to health. We named her Isabelle Grace. Her name means "Devoted to God," and "God's blessing. Three years later, I was diagnosed with also having Rheumetoid Arthritis. There are times when the disease disfigures my body and the pain keeps me from moving. Mike, the love of my life, has cared for my sick body time and time again. He makes sure I take my medicine, brings me to the doctor, and has sat by my bedside in the hospital more times than I can count. Overall, this man is so devoted to me, our daughter, our family, and the Lord our God, that he continuously sacrifices and keeps me going. Each night I pray the Lord will show me His Will...Mike and I were high school sweethearts, and ten years later and a kindergartener stronger, we are still very much in love.

Chris L. of Williamston

MY wife amazes me everyday, she serves and shows her whole heart to all that are around her. She sacrifices everyday to allow myself and the kids excel. She also balances so much, from being a full time mother and wife to being a full time graduate student, I cannot imagine trying to get through some of the days that she gets through. I am amazed daily at how selfless she is, and I am so happy to say that she is my partner in all that we do and all that we achieve as a family and as a couple.

Lisa W. of Saginaw

My wonderful husband is Robert E Walker, "Bo". We met at church set up by mutual friends. Two days later we had our first date. I never felt so comfortable with anyone as I did with him! That comfortable feeling was awesome! That was Dec. 12, 2003. We were married Jan 31, 2004. We fit together perfectly!! I love his smile and how he can always make me laugh even when I feel terrible. His eyes shine when he teases me. His laugh is so harty. He got me into hunting with him, and also a fan of NASCAR with him. He is my best friend!! The few times we've been apart were very difficult for both of us. He truely is my soul-mate. Thank you!!

Karla G. of Lansing

While God was preparing me to meet my husband.A friend told me that I needed to be specific when you asked God for something. So, I wrote HIM a letter asking for my husband, including a list of everything I wanted in him. When I met my husband, I started to see that he had everything I wrote in “my list” I could not believe it! God not only gave me everything I wanted in a husband, but what HE knew I needed. God gave me Robert. The love of my life!

Kourtney of Corunna

The love of my life is Chase because he loves me more then anybody has ever loved me, and I can see and feel it everyday. He is the first person I want to go home and tell wonderful news or tell about something exciting that happened to me that day. He works hard and is a wonderful Dad, he cleans the snow off my car in the morning, and he has a lot of personality traits I admire, such as his people skills, his unselfishness, his humor, and his knowledge. He still kisses me and tells me everyday that he loves me. I love Chase and to me, he is irreplacable.