Friday, February 12, 2010

Congratulations to our winners and thanks for sharing your stories

Love your stories! Your prizes are on the way!
Grand Prize Winner Debra D. of Evart
Lori B. of Clifford
Dan of Dansville
Julie B. of Jackson
Lisa W. of Roscommon
Polly M. of Lansing
Shari S. of Jackson
Kelly J. of Farwell
Mae of Dewitt
Felicia of Neguanee
Jill S. of Neguanee
Kathy F. of Owosso
Amy S. of Eaton Rapids
Cecil of Clio
Kristen S. of McBain
Marci B. of Fowler
Letticia of Holt
Chad H. of Charlotte
Andrea M. of Burton
Joe R. of Saginaw
Cassandra of Howell
Robin C. of Grand Blanc
Becky W. of Grand Blanc
Michelle N. of Monroe

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Andrea P. of Lansing

Ryan is my rock. When we first met I was lost and he brought me back to the Lord. He made me realize that a life without Jesus is not a life at all. He has a faith that never ends and always lifts me up when I am down. Through everything he is calm and confident; through his deployment in Iraq, changing jobs, going back to school and now the birth of our daughter Rebekah. He is an amazing man of God and the love of my life. I thank God for my husband and the faith that he has.

Angela B. of Okemos

Six years ago, I nearly died while pregnant for our daughter. After losing 30 pounds in my first trimester, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Too weak to even walk, the man God blessed me with , Mike, bathed meand nutured me back to health. We named her Isabelle Grace. Her name means "Devoted to God," and "God's blessing. Three years later, I was diagnosed with also having Rheumetoid Arthritis. There are times when the disease disfigures my body and the pain keeps me from moving. Mike, the love of my life, has cared for my sick body time and time again. He makes sure I take my medicine, brings me to the doctor, and has sat by my bedside in the hospital more times than I can count. Overall, this man is so devoted to me, our daughter, our family, and the Lord our God, that he continuously sacrifices and keeps me going. Each night I pray the Lord will show me His Will...Mike and I were high school sweethearts, and ten years later and a kindergartener stronger, we are still very much in love.

Chris L. of Williamston

MY wife amazes me everyday, she serves and shows her whole heart to all that are around her. She sacrifices everyday to allow myself and the kids excel. She also balances so much, from being a full time mother and wife to being a full time graduate student, I cannot imagine trying to get through some of the days that she gets through. I am amazed daily at how selfless she is, and I am so happy to say that she is my partner in all that we do and all that we achieve as a family and as a couple.

Lisa W. of Saginaw

My wonderful husband is Robert E Walker, "Bo". We met at church set up by mutual friends. Two days later we had our first date. I never felt so comfortable with anyone as I did with him! That comfortable feeling was awesome! That was Dec. 12, 2003. We were married Jan 31, 2004. We fit together perfectly!! I love his smile and how he can always make me laugh even when I feel terrible. His eyes shine when he teases me. His laugh is so harty. He got me into hunting with him, and also a fan of NASCAR with him. He is my best friend!! The few times we've been apart were very difficult for both of us. He truely is my soul-mate. Thank you!!

Karla G. of Lansing

While God was preparing me to meet my husband.A friend told me that I needed to be specific when you asked God for something. So, I wrote HIM a letter asking for my husband, including a list of everything I wanted in him. When I met my husband, I started to see that he had everything I wrote in “my list” I could not believe it! God not only gave me everything I wanted in a husband, but what HE knew I needed. God gave me Robert. The love of my life!

Kourtney of Corunna

The love of my life is Chase because he loves me more then anybody has ever loved me, and I can see and feel it everyday. He is the first person I want to go home and tell wonderful news or tell about something exciting that happened to me that day. He works hard and is a wonderful Dad, he cleans the snow off my car in the morning, and he has a lot of personality traits I admire, such as his people skills, his unselfishness, his humor, and his knowledge. He still kisses me and tells me everyday that he loves me. I love Chase and to me, he is irreplacable.

Celia of Fowlerville

God has blessed me with the most awesome husband in the whole wide world! We have been married forty -two years and he still tells me he loves me everyday. Randy is the spiritual head of our household and loves the Lord our God like he loves our family. He is always so sweet and compassionate and has always been there for me and taken care of me through the worst of the worst. And even then, his sense of humor is enough to get anyone through anything. I Love that guy!!!!

Love Always,

Jamie A. of Lansing

There was never any doubt in my mind, the love of my life is Abraham! Neither of us is anything close to perfect, but together we are like coffee and cream- making up for what the other person lacks, will have a seamless love bound ever so perfectly by the LORD. We lift eachother up and help eachother shine every day. It was HIS perfect will that brought us together 2 years ago from a world apart- and when I looked into those green eyes I knew- this is GOD's WILL. I thank GOD every single day for my Abraham, my angel.

Kim Z. of Imlay City

My see my husband Rick as a incredible man. I love him for so many reasons. He is a husband who has gone through so many changes within himself with the help of God. We have weathered many a storm only to find each other on the other side. It is wonderful having him by my side as we both journey to know our God more intimately. He is a wonderful Dad to our two boys, he who is so much a boy himself. He is very intelligent and eager to help them with any and all of their homework . I love him for the fact that he wants our boys to make God the most important person in their lives. We have been together for many years now and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Shannon G. of Owosso

My Husband of 15 years is truly the love of my life! We met when we were 17 years old and I instantly knew we would be together forever! We graduated high school together, went off to college and both earned our Bachelor's Degree together. Then got married and started our beautiful family of 3 children. His career allows him to take incredible care of us financially, which allows me to live out our dream of being a stay-at-home mom. I cherish everyday we have together and he truly is the LOVE of MY LIFE!

Julie B. of Jackson

My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years. He is great! He accepted my 2 girls with open arms along with accepting me fully for who I am. There is nothing that he would not do for me!

Heidi of Swartz Creek

My husband has been the love of my life since I was 17 years old! We were married at 19 & 20 and after almost 27 years, 4 children & 1 grandchild later, I love him even more than when we were just kids saying "I do".

Shawn of Dimondale

Justin is patient, Justin is kind. Justin does not envy, Justin does not boast, Justin is not proud. Justin is not rude, he is not self-seeking, he is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs. Justin does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Justin always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Justin and I will never fails.

Have you figured out my husband's name yet? I'm lucky enough to be married to the man that God specially designed for me. He has far exceeded my dreams as a husband, and is the best father to our 21 month old son (and the one on the way!!) He and I truly love each other unconditionally, but we are not perfect....that's why we need to attend this event and receive the Fireproof(great movie by the way!!) kit. We would share this kit with our friends who would introduced us to the movie!!

Thanks for your time and consideration!

I wish you a blessed and warm and fuzzy Valentines Day!

Cheryl T. of Flint

When I became a Christian I started praying that God would give me a loving husband. God brought Rich into my life almost 5 years ago. Rich has loved me at times when it was probably was not easy to do. He has showed patience, love, and kindness. He has helped me become a better person and has helped me become closer to God.

Dan of Dansville

Because she is always there when I need her!

Valerie of Midland

My husband Tim and I have a physically disabled adult child. My husband continues to support me and lifts me up at the hardest times. He always seems to sacrificially give up things to finacially support us, and He always reminds me through thick and thin that God is the source of our marriage and commitment to one another. He is a true example of who Christ is. He never stops believing in me and always pushes me to succeed. He has loved me unconditonally through the worst of times, and always makes me laugh. God has truly given me a soul mate and Tim is the only person I see myself growing old with.

Jeff of St. Louis

The bottom line is, she is the gift that God has given me. She has been my best friend and despite my many faults, she loves me everyday. She sacrifices for the sake of others without hesitation. For almost twenty years now, she has been by my side through trials and blessing in parenting and ministry, and I cannot imagine doing any of it without her.

Michael of Charlevoix

Carla is the love of my life because when I see her I see Jesus. It has been such a blessing to live with a genuine and sincere follower of Jesus Christ for the last 29 years. My sweet Carla has been a faithful and loving companion even through the toughest of times. It is very easy to love one who models unconditional love every day so naturally. The beautiful thing is that she doesn't even realize the impact she makes upon others! What an equation, sincere love lived produces extreme love received.

Lori of Clifford

He is a loving, kind yet strong husband and father. He is strong in his faith and willing to grow. We met on a blind date BBQ in June of 2001. Sept. 11 that year changed the path of our lives. We were married and with my daughter made a family. Steve was in the AF Reserves and was activated and deployed. He is now on his third deployment and we have since enjoyed the birth of twins. He took a permanent position with the military after his reurn home from his 1st deployment left him without a job. We have spent a lot of time seperated by physical distance but we are always with each other in the heart! I can tell by his voice over the phone a million miles away if he had a good day. He has called the local florist from overseas to surprise me with flowers! We truly believe God gave us the opportunity to meet and we ran with it! God has been good to us, and with each struggle we have grown closer to each other as well as the Lord.

Kristen S. of McBain

Larry is the love of my life because he is the rock in our family, who has a strong love and faith for god. Larry is the kindest man who would do anything for anyone. He is the hardest working farmer, father and husband who believes in me. Larry is my constant reminder that love has no boundries.

Leara of Durand

My husband truely is my knight and shinning armor.He is my God-sent.I always believed in God but I walked away for 10 years,my husband was a non believer and because we came together we knew that God brought us together.We were married on Valentines Day 5 years ago and together we have six wonderful children.God Bless.

Stacey of Port Austin

My husband, Issac, is the love of my life for more reasons than I can count...I discover more reasons every day. He is loving and forgiving even when I am not. He is an amazing father who loves to play and laugh with our three children, yet still knows when to be a parent and not just a friend. He treats me as if I am the most special woman in the world and loves me unconditionally. Perhaps the biggest reason that he is the love of my life, though, is his heart for God. He is an amazing prayer warrior and worship leader. He holds me accountable and pushes me toward a growing relationship with God all the time. He did not grow up in a church, like I did, but he has embraced the faith and the love of Christ wholeheartedly and shares it with the world

Marilyn of Dansville

My husband and I started dating when I was 17 and he was 19. We dated for several years and have now been married for almost 21 years. He truly is the love of my life. When I met my husband, I had a low self esteem and was not very confident. He helped me realize that I am God's child and that I am special. He also helped me realize that I have a lot to offer. He still helps me with this endeavor many years later. This summer I had to have surgery and he made sure that everything was just right for me when I returned home and for the weeks afterward. He would not let me do anything to compromise my health, even when it made things more difficult for him. He is always protective, and one of the most understanding people I know. Even when I have fallen short of an expectation or not done what I thought I should have, he is supportive and understanding. One of the things I love most about my husband, though, is that he is so giving to everyone. He will go out of his way to help anyone any way that he can. He gives and gives without thinking about himself or expecting anything in return. This applies to his family, his friends, work, and all aspects of his life. He always goes above and beyond what is expected. He recently has been working a lot of extra hours, but he makes sure that our needs are met. In addition, he is constantly trying to be the husband, father, and man of the house that God wants him to be. He is the most wonderful father, husband, and man that I know.

Marci of Fowler

The love of my life is my husband. We have been married for thirteen years, and have three amazing kids together! He has taught me to love myself more. He has always been there for me, when I havent been there for him. He had patience with me when I would have walked away from myself he stood by my side...He has changed the way I look at life, and I love him for it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eva of McBain

The love of my life,is the love of my life,because he got me away from my sons dad who was abusing me,I am happy God gave me a good man, we have two little boys.He is a good husband.

Karla of Lansing?

I met my Husband while we both worked at the Big Boy in the Sault. That was in 1984. The minute I saw him I knew he was the Man I was going to marry. We have been married for 21 years. I am happier now than when I was first married. I believe my husband and I grow closer each year. He makes me laugh, My heart still skips a beat when he walks into the room. He tells me I am beautiful everyday. He tells me he loves me many times during the day. He is the love of my life. We have been blessed with five wonderful children. Thanks for the time to share

Letticia of Holt

I just love him to pieces...more than the day we met. We love each other through it all. July marks 10 years for us. We split our sorrows and double our joys. Since we got married we have had a weekly date night that we use to celebrate our love. Nothing fancy but we stay in and spend time together. A time to connect and put the things of the week aside. With three kids under 5 and one on the way, we find creative ways to show our love. He is my best friend and I would not change ANYTHING about our love and marriage. I love him for who God created him to be. He IS the love of my life. Thank you Jesus for the gift of my husband. This is not for a win, but just to take the opportunity to share my story and let others know true love does really exist! I love talking about my he husband! He is a wonderful man.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Debra D. of Evart

My husband Mark is still the love of my life after 26 years together. He is thoughtful,sweet,generous beyond measure ,helps all those in need. He reflects the light of Christs Love so Beautifully. After losing my mother as a "tween" ,he was Jesus with skin for me. After Losing my dad to Brain Cancer 3 years ago,he was there in every way for me. He always knew what I needed ,when I needed it. He makes me smile like no one else can! He is Gods Greatest Earthly Treasure ! I could not have chosen a better father for our children.After almost losing him in an accident where he was hit by a tree he was cutting down, I realized that I couldnt live without the love of my life. After reconstructive surgeries and wiring his jaw shut,watching him be so strong ,revealed to me again,why I love him so much. We take so much for granted in this life. Each day is truly a gift from God. Mark is adored by all who know him. Im blessed beyond measure by my husband.He not only expresses his love by his words but through his actions. I praise the Lord every day for the angel he sent me !!

Michelle N. of Monroe

Glen is my best friend and high school sweetheart. We have been married 23 years in May. I am so blessed with this man as my husband. He takes great care of me. I have Multiple Sclerosis and he is always there supporting me in my struggles. He is an awesome husband and father of three teenage boys. He sets a great example for our kids of how to be a loving man of God.

Janie W. of Fowlerville

Craig is the love of my life and my best friend. He had heart failure 2 years ago and has fought for his life, claiming the healing power of Jesus Christ. For our family it has meant so much, we have all been through so much.
thank-you, Janie

Andrea M of Burton

every little girl dreams of prince charming or a knight on a white horse. I am blessed to have them both in one Godly, handsome, kind and beautiful husband. He has truely saved my life. He has showed me how to have a relationship with our Lord, which in turn has SAVED me. i am eternally grateful and i cannot breathe without him. Love is something i thought only existed in fairy tales, i am so thankful mine came true!!!

Shelley K of DeWitt

My husband takes great care of me and our children. He is a great father. His hard work allows me to stay home with the kids. He cares what I think and what I need. He is a great provider and very supportive. Leadership is another of his skills. God blessed me with the greatest husband to fill

Kelly J of Farwell

My husband of 32 years became a christian almost 4 years ago and has grown into such a man of God. He is very thoughtful, kind and caring. He is never critical of me even when i don't do things perfectly. I love the fact that we read the Bible together each morning and pray together. Our life together is better than what i expected when I prayed for him for so many years. I love that we can serve God together and look forward to us growning old together.

Jill S. of Negaunee

My husband Brad is the love of my life because he loves God first, then me, and our kids! Despite all the temptations that are out there in this world trying to steal our Godly men away, he keeps his eyes on Jesus and walks the narrow path with me by his side! We met in 7th grade in Petoskey and became friends after we learned that both our families were originally from the Upper Peninsula and both had a common Finnish heritage. We remained friends through 7th, 8th, and 9th grade. In 10th grade we decided to start dating. He agreed to come to church with my family and just two months after we started dating he gave his life over to the Lord. We got engaged right after high school graduation, moved back to the U.P. to attend college, and got married a year later. This coming July we will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary and we now have 5 children, two of which we just adopted in November. We both have always had a heart for children, and although we had three children biologically, we still had a desire to adopt children, but weren't sure exactly how we would go about doing it. Then in Oct. 2008 the opportunity came up and we went for it! Through all the years of our relationship and marriage, struggles and temptations have come our way, but we stay focused on our Lord and He gets us through every storm! My husband and I are now more committed to one another than ever! I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else! I truly believe he IS the love of my life and I look forward to growing old with him!

Joe R. of Saginaw

My wife is the love of my life because of what she does for me and my family. She gave up working outside the home when my son was born and has stayed home to support me and my 3 children. She is our steadfast supporter. She encourages the children to be good christians and me to be a better leader for our family. She is as I tell my co-workers my financial advisor, and my estate manager. She does so much that she does not really know how much it means to us. We will be married 25 years this October and without her I do not know where I would be.

Robin C. of Grand Blanc

Why is Tony the love of my life?
I got out of an emotionally abusive marriage 2 1/2 years ago. That experience left many scars and hurt but I decided to trust God with the desires of my heart.
I had people tell me that my expectations were too high and I would soon settle instead of waiting on God. I had a list of 10 non-negotiable items I was seeking in a mate, and I wasn't willing to settle for any less. Then one day, not too long ago, I told my friend Cathy that I was going to think "really big" and tell God I wanted someone that could sing like Johnny Cash! I love to sing and am always searching for a male to sing Johnny Cash/June Carter songs with me.
On 11/14/09 while out at karaoke, a man randomly came up and asked if any of us girls could sing a Johnny/June duet. His name is Tony and we have been glued at the hip ever since. He is all and more than I asked God for and I am eternally grateful!

Mae of DeWitt

I believe in love, I choose love.....we all meet someone and fall head over heels; but once that passion is gone; what do we do ~ choose love! Rod is the love of my life by a choice that I have made to fulfill the dream and desire that was in our hearts when we first met and fell in love. We enjoy many of the same things and are not affraid to learn to possibly enjoy things the other likes. Which, also is a choice to love.

Becky W. of Grand Blanc

My husband and I have only been married for 6 months but we've been together for almost 4 years. There are so many things I love about him! He is very loving, sensitive, kind, talented, giving, funny, respectful, a good leader, but most of all he is a WONDERFUL man of God. Throughout our whole relationship he has always but God first and has done everything in his power to push me toward God rather than distract me away from Him. He has shown me how to better live a godly lifestyle and has always done everything he could to help me know the Lord more intimately. One thing that I really respect about him is that during our courtship he never took advantage of me but instead tried to keep our focus on God....our relationship is not just the two of us but the three of us (him, me and God). Now, my husband is an amazing associate pastor of our church and we serve in ministry together has worship leaders. Being in ministry together has its challenges but Josh has done an amazing job of making sure that the stress that can come with ministry doesn't effect our marriage in a negative way. I love my husband so much and feel very blessed and honored that the Lord has put him in my life.

Felicia of Negaunee

Our love story begins long before we ever met. When I was still making poor life decisions, God planned for us to be together. When I met my husband, Jeff, I had no interest in dating and I sure never thought I'd get married. I was a new Christian, but I was still caught in my old behaviors. I had gotten out of a really bad relationship and was still making poor relationship decisions and partying all of the time. I gave myself to a man who had no intention of having a relationship with me even though I thought he did. I was disgusted with myself. I prayed that if there was a man God had planned for me that he would let me meet him when the time was right, but that I wasn't going date until then. One day I spilled water on my laptop and Jeff was NOT the guy to fix it. Rather he was the guy who helped the guy who fixed my computer. I couldn't stop looking at him. I didn't think he even noticed me because of a more beautiful girl he was helping, but I invited him out with my friends and gave him my number. We emailed for a couple weeks and when we finally got together, we instantly became inseparable. It turned out he graduated from high school with my best friend and our families lived 5 minutes from each other. And even though he knew about my past and present struggles, he still wanted to get to know me. We tried spending one day apart to catch up on homework and couldn't do it. We were so bored with out each other. We got married last June on our two year anniversary. He wanted to enjoy being newlyweds but sacrificed for my sake. This past November my mom and my two nephews moved in with us due to family circumstances. It has been really difficult, but Jeff has been so loving and kind. He never complains and even agreed that if it came down to it, he would permanently take in my nephews even though that would mean giving up all of the things he always had in mind for this stage of life. My life is 100% different with him in it. I am happy. I know I'm loved, and I no longer struggle with making poor life decisions because I know that not only do I have God's support, but I have Jeff's until death parts us. He is the best gift God has ever given me

Cassandra of Howell

He started out my boss and ended up my best friend. He loves me for who I am even after 3 kids. He has allowed me to stay at home and raise our three beautiful children and never once questions me about what I did all day. He works his butt off to support our family and I can not see my life with out him. He is the strength to my weakness, and the calm of my storms, he holds me when I need him and backs away when I need to be alone, he is everything I have ever wanted, though I do not often show my appreciation to him for his hard work and dedication to our family. Olive Juice babe!!

Shari S. of Jackson

Mike and I will be married 13 years in April. We have been through the best of times and the worst of times. He has always been there when I needed him. Besides God he is my rock. He is incredibly smart, and never fails to make me laugh. Best of all he is the reason why I have a close personal relationship with God. I would not be the person and mother that I am, if it were not for him.

Chad H of Charlotte

My wife has been with me for 15 years this June and she has given me 3 wonderful children. She is a great servant to her family and community. She is very funny, creative and thoughtful. She spends most of her time running the children to activities or running errands for the household. She is strong and determined, and I greatly respect that in her. She recently graduated from college with high honors, while working full time. I am hoping to have a renewal of our vows this year as we journey into the next 15 years together.

Cecil of Clio

My Wife is the Love of my life ! She is so loving and Understands no matter what I get us into! when ever I feel God moving us in a certain direction, she goes with me without any conflict ! And I try to do the same!
We are without a doubt hitched within the same yoke!
she has taught me so much about Love & compassion !
God has & continues to Bless our marriage of 27 years!
Praise Be to GOD & Jesus for keeping Us in His love and our Love for Him and each other !

Amy S. of Eaton Rapids

I met the love of my life (Don) 2 years ago. He is the love of my life because he listens to me, he always is there to help me, he thinks of me first. He is my best friend. He has helped me grow in my faith and this is something we share. We were going to the same church and didn't even know it. The first time I met Don I knew I would be with this man the yest of my life. We have a connection with each other than I have never felt before. I love this man with all my heart. I thank God every day for bringing Don into my life.

Kathy F. of Owosso


Polly of Lansing

My Husband &I met 3 years ago at our prosthetic dr's office. We are both amputees, mine from a birth defect, my husband's from a drunk driver hitting him. He is a 2 time combat war vet from the 82nd Airborn and I am very proud of him. The accident caused him to be in a coma for quite some time and suffer from a closed head injury. He was expected to only live on his own feed and clothe himself. He is the love of my life because he works so hard. He carried a 4.0 GPA at LCC and has transferred to MSU and is carrying a 3.5 GPA in the accounting program. Life has not been easy for him and he will never say that out loud, but he carries on with determination and strength that has made me a better person. We work hard to keep God in the forfront of our marriage ( I teach 5th grade Sunday School at Trinity United Methodist in Lansing) We married when we were older and that was the best for both of us, we were able to clearly see God's plan for us to share the rest of our lives together. I would love to share the Fireproof Couples Kit with my husband, as the movie touched me in a very profound way.
I hope that I have explained why he is the love of my life. He takes great care of me and sees beauty that is in my heart and accepts me completley. I love him with all of my heart and am so honored and proud to be his wife. I am free to love him with out fear of rejection. I had been in a few very bad relationships that left me alone for 10 years. I often prayed to God to take the desire out of my heart for a husband.. Thankfully he never did. He just needed me to be patient and wait for His timing and His plan to come into play. Ironically my husband and I had gone to the same dr for at least 2 years and we never crossed paths. Almost impossible in such a small office. It was God's timing that put us together and encouraged my husband to strike up a conversation. God also pushed me to give him my number.. on 7/4/2006 we had our first date and have been together ever since.
Thank you for allowing me to write about one of the best husbands in the world. I am truly blessed.

Lisa W. of Roscommon

My husband has been the love of my life for 20 years. We met in highschool. We were married shortly after and he has been a great husband and father to our 5 children. He has opened his heart to our 2 biological children and also to three children we have adopted from foster care. His love surrounds our family all day every day. Even when he is at work he will leave me shmily (see how much I love you) notes and surprises to remind me he is thinking of me always.

Lisa K. of Flint

My husband Jason is the love of my life because of all the amazing things he does for me, because he is a GREAT dad to our daughter Claire, and because he is an awesome man of God. He takes care of so many morning things for me, making my coffee, my breakfast, packing my lunch, and starting my car so that I have time to read my Bible in the morning, do my morning stretches, and feed the baby. He loves our little 10 month old with all his heart, loves to give her baths, read to her, and stay home with her on Mondays (his day off) to play, rock, and hold her. He is a servant of Jesus Christ and has a heart to serve the people in our area. I love to see his brain going and his ideas flowing! I love to see him interact with and love the people around him, and I love how he loves me and Claire and takes care of us in so many different, wonderful ways. I love him so much!